Case Making
Case Making
Boards and cover cloth are converted to a book case, which frames the book block (hardcover). The covers are manufactured manually or semi-automatically depending upon machine.
The GP2 products of EC-3, SC-2, and AC-20 models are the latest generation of leading technology for "one-off" and on-demand case making. These models are designed to be ideal tools for short runs and on-demand case production. They offer advanced features and capabilities that facilitate the efficient and precise manufacturing of book covers.
With the GP2 EC-3 model, manual or semi-automatic cover manufacturing can be achieved, depending on the specific machine configuration. This model provides flexibility in the production process, allowing for customization and adaptability to different requirements.
These GP2 models offer a comprehensive range of solutions for the bookbinding industry. They excel in meeting the demands of short-run and on-demand case making, providing bookbinders with the tools they need to efficiently produce high-quality book covers.

Bindwel 3219 Semi automatic case maker
WELBOUND 3219 is an advanced with the latest feather touch panel technology. It is usually preferred for long run and bigger size jobs. This semi automatic case making machine is very easy to operate and is one of the largest moving product in the market.
BIndwel Casing-in
WELBOUND CASING-IN machine ideally for the perfect inserting of book block in the finished case. Machine is easy to operate and maintain. With the pneumatic and PLC technology to travel the book from one place to other. Easy make ready and operating. Non vibrating heavy machine for accurate place of the book in to the cases.

Bindwel JF 450 AD
WELBOUND JF 450 AD joint forming machine is the India's first vertical joint forming with full book pressing. Advantage of the machine is auto delivery system with PLC program. Vertical design to reduce the accidental while operating with hands. Machine is equipped with trimmer and heater adjustment to change as per the book block and case.
The PräZis is a device to cut the cover material to size in one-off full-bound book cases. It is equipped with stops for turn-ins and joint width so that no further measuring is necessary. The maximum cutting length is 580 mm.
Brochure of PräZis

The PräDeck is a pneumatic case-maker to produce hardcover book cases with changing sizes. Suitable for one-off and multiple production. The spine hollow width is progressively adjustable from 6 to 90 mm.
Brochure of PräDeck
EC3 Autocase
The EC3 Autocase is a semi-automatic case making machine for the production of one-off and multiple bookcases. Without complex set up, small runs can be produced easily and economically. The machine is operated by only one person. Turning-in of the case is done in a two-cycle process.
Brochure of EC3 Autocase

SC2 Autocase
The SC2 Autocase is a semi-automatic case making machine for the production of one-off and multiple bookcases. Without complex set up, runs of 1-300 pieces or more can be produced easily and economically. The format of the case is measured by sensors and the machine presets automatically. There are no manual adjustments necessary.
Brochure of SC2 Autocase
The toggle-lever case press PräKasch is designed to press down book cases, posters and calendar backs etc. after turning-in.
Brochure of PräKasch

The two-roller gluing machine PräziCoat for the gluing of cloth for the production of book cases. Special equipment for animal glue for the processing of laminated coat papers. With automatic water supply PräVis for optimal viscosity.
Brochure of PräziCoat
PräziCoat Pro Type G1
The PräziCoat Pro Type G1 is a gluing machine with rotating doctor roll for the use of hotmelt gelatine (hot protein glue) and is well-known for its clean application of glue. Roller speed as well as thickness of the glue layer may be adjusted. The machine has a patented, automatic viscosity control (AVC) regulating the solids of the glue at any time.
Brochure of PräziCoat Pro

The PräVis is a device for the controlled moisturizing of glue in gluing machines.. Glues in open glue bowls lose moisture and viscosity through movement, heat and dry air. To maintain the viscosity of the glue, it requires a continuously and metered water supply.
Brochure of PräVis
The PräRund is an electrically heated device to round the spines of book cases. Without format settings all spine widths from 10 to 120 mm can be rounded. High output thanks to easy operation.
Brochure of PräRund